
  • Smudging isn’t enough.
  • Communicating with the energies isn’t enough.
  • Ignoring what you are experiencing isn’t working.
  • You want to protect your home and family.
  • Your only desire is to create a loving and peaceful space.

I am no stranger to the ugly, evil, and lost entities sharing our space. At the tender age of 6-7 years old I was baptized into this awareness. I was not the only family member who heard the unexplained noise, felt the deep, cold, tinging fear, or felt the unseen eyes always watching. The walls closed in around us and the air eternally felt thick with dread. The cattle acted possessed following my every move. I felt the stalking and saw the energy of my body being trampled under their feet. 

Experiences similar to this have followed me into adulthood. I understand the many reasons why individuals fail to cross, remaining trapped between worlds. There are entities that just desire to cause havoc with the living. There isn’t a one size fits all to clear and cleanse property, people, and animals. 

When you are ready, I am the person to call.