Like a Frill-necked Lizard
Today I start my first blog. Allow me to begin by introducing myself and why I am being directed to share the awakening experience into my hidden fears of inadequacies, that came through the eyes and behaviors of the animals for which I care for as well as those who roam free. In sharing these experiences and the questions I dare to ask, hopefully, you will see something of yourself and begin to see the world with new lenses.
About ten years ago. a nagging voice in my head kept saying “write down your stories for a book. The title is: Mirror Mirror on All Fours”. Ignoring the voice and responded with “I am not a writer and who would even be interested?” Fear around telling my story in written word came from pas experiences within the educational system where I was repeatedly discouraged, especially being barely a “C” student. Surviving the day at school was easier than home life. This gives you an idea of the stress I experienced and the lack of self-confidence. The outside world saw a fierce warrior, inside a scared timed little girl defending her space like the frill-necked lizard puffing itself up to look larger than it is. I am now an adult, a grandmother and it’s about time I slip into adulthood and get over myself: facing the fear I tell others to do. My writing started out in the form of journaling. A pattern immerged, then why wouldn’t it be the same for others?
These blog messages will cover my life’s journey from the painful art of living to the sacredness of dying. Everything is an extension of the other. If you choose, then we will travel together unfolding and awakening through the eyes of the animals.