Animal Services

Believe it or not, animals experience many of the same illness and emotional conditions as we do. Training and love has been the common belief that will overcome with time. What if I said to you that we can cut that time in half?
Through my extensive training with Healing Touch for Animals, Reiki, and other modalities such as animal communication, pressure points, massage etc. I work with the whole package of mind-body-spirit, the same as with people. We are all interconnected through our bio-energy fields. Animals that have experienced traumas such as abandonment, abuse, natural disasters, family structure changes or being re-homed via shelters, rescues, puppy mills, pet stores and hoarding
may display anxiety, aggression, passivity or withdrawal (depression). The adrenal system may be compromised as the body and mind is in fight, flight or freeze mode.
Science tells us that relaxation releases endorphins in the brain. The endorphins in turn relaxes the muscles. The relaxed muscles provide increased circulation. The increased circulation elevates oxygen levels in the blood. The body is now better able to absorb nutrients more efficiently allowing for proper digestion and regulates hormones. The toxins can be released from the body, allowing for healthy cells to promote healing thus strengthening the immune system.
I have found through my numerous years of fostering the difficult displaced dogs, every single one is unique. We believe that puppies come with a clean slate at birth; they don’t. Oftentimes the offspring from animals that during pregnancy have been traumatized display trauma behaviors and/or genetic conditioning within the first year. This says to me they not only carry the DNA of the parents but also the experiences of the mother while pregnant. What I have learned in class doesn’t always transfer into real life situations and that adapting in the moment, utilizing everything I have learned and trusting my connection to Spirit and to the animal, answers follow. The best teachers have been the animals that live in the water,
soar overhead or call land their home. We are simply along for the ride, learning from them the art of letting go and healing.